“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” by William Butler Yeats
教育是知识创新、传播和应用的主要基地,也是培育创新精神和创新人才的摇篮。—— 江泽民
Email: leadspireacademy@gmail.com

This competition is open to 5 - 20 years old from all over Malaysia.
Participants must register by 1st July until 18 August 2024.
Each participant can enter multiple categories but must submit separate entries for each.
All submissions must be in English.
Entries must be the participant’s original work and must not have been published or submitted for other competitions or platforms.
Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
Each submission must include the participant’s name, age & category entered.
All entries must be submitted online via Google Form Registration / Leadspire Academy Telegram (https://t.me/leadspireacademy).
The deadline for the first cycle submissions is at 11.59pm on 31 July
The deadline for the second cycle submissions is at 11.59pm on 18 August.
Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:
Creativity and Originality (20%)
Relevance to the Topic (20%)
Language and Grammar (20%)
Delivery and Presentation (20%)
Overall Impact (20%)